
Budget Plan
- Our Budget Plan is free to join with no admin or interest charges, and is an easy and convenient way to spread the cost of your home heating bills over a 12-month period to ensure you are always topped up with home heating oil.
- Save €30 when you sign up for Budget Plan.
- Ensure you are always topped up with great value home heating oil while building up credit in your account with affordable monthly payments.
- Superior customer service with priority deliveries.
- No changes to monthly payment unless agreed directly with the account holder.

How it works
- Place your first order through your local depot.
- All first-time budget plan orders must be paid in advance by debit/credit card. The first Direct Debit transaction must be processed before another order can be placed. First order must be a minimum of 500 litres.
- A minimum monthly payment of €89 is recommended, however, your payment may be higher or lower depending on your oil consumption during the Budget Year.
- Each Budget Plan year runs from 1 July to 30 June the following year. You may be requested to make a one-off payment during the year to ensure that the outstanding balance is cleared by the end of June.
- There are no hidden fees or interest charges. The price you pay is the price quoted on the day of delivery.

How to apply
Call 1800 200 308 and set up your account over the phone, or download the Top Oil Budget plan Application form and return it directly to your local depot.
Send us a message using the form below and we will send you the application form.